I just recently had a birthday. I look at a new age like most people view a new year. For me, birthdays are always a time to reflect. Age 55 has been an incredible/challenging/blessed journey for me. I wanted to take some time to reflect and share some of these thoughts with you.
The Top Ten Important Principles from Age 55
Show Grace…. at least until the time that you are perfect – said another way, always show Grace.
Stay Grateful even when life is challenging because the silver linings are always waiting to be discovered.
Be Careful what you dwell on because it surely will become your reality.
Procrastination not only robs you of time but can also permanently rob you of an opportunity.
You have no control over anything except your reaction and interpretation of every situation. You have control over whether you choose God in every situation.
Master the little things. The way you handle the small things predicts your success on the big things.
Every situation is an opportunity… or not….it is your choice.
Practice kindness and empathy because you never know what is going on in someone’s life.
God puts people in our paths daily. They are called teachers. Learn to learn from others.
Pray…….with positive expectation. Don’t forget to pray – God does not rate our concerns as big or small. Concerns don’t have a size.
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