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  • Writer's pictureBob Brooks

How To Pay Streaming Prices For DIRECTV Satellite

I have struggled with cutting the cord. I know I could save some money by going with a HULU streaming service. Yet, I am just so comfortable with my DirectTV set-up (thus the hesitancy to make a change from a service I have been using for 30 years.)

So, I called DIRECTTV just to see if I would be charged a fee for discontinuing service. I wanted to check my options.

They routed me to the “loyalty department.” The lady asked me why I would want to drop my service. I told her that it is the same reason I am sure she is getting every day on these calls. Directv satellite is way more expensive than the streaming services. She said what if I take $70 a month off your statement for the next 12 months?

I can do the math. My current package is $135.00 (don’t judge) a month. If I were to subtract $70 from my bill, my package would cost $65.00.Hulu charges $69.99 for their streaming service with live TV and local channel options.

Just like that, the cost of my TV is competitive with the streaming services. It only makes sense for DIRECTV to make this concession. I would imagine that the vast majority of people who are going to leave make that call. After all, they don’t make it easy to cancel online (for good reason). Further, you would have questions such as what do I do with the Satellite?

Obviously, this isn’t something that DIRECTV is going to advertise. However, it does make sense to call in and see what type of discounts could be available. The competition is not going away! Make sure that when that annoying robot starts asking you questions, you say loyalty department.

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